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      Amicizia Case: Friendship with Aliens in Italy

      The aliens called "W56" would have close friendly relations with some humans.

      UFOs Sighted by the Portuguese Air Force

      Portuguese Air Force pilots spotted a strange object with a colorful core that constantly changed color.

      Brazilian Air Force Releases Files on the Existence of Extraterrestrials

      The Brazilian Air Force released audio recordings between planes and control towers containing records of UFOs in Brazilian skies.

      Are there UFOs at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base?

      Wright-Patterson Air Force Base has always been shrouded in mystery due to its connection to UFOs and aliens.

      Operation Prato: UFOs Investigated in Brazil in the 1970s

      The so-called "Operation Prato" investigated reports of sightings of unidentified flying objects that had occurred in Pará.

      Pentagon Releases New Secret UFO Documents

      The newly released files under the Freedom of Information Act cover sightings, abductions, injuries and even pregnancies.

      Alien Civilizations May Be Attempting Contact

      Strange cosmic pulses of light could be signals from hundreds of different civilizations.

      Strange objects cross the night sky of Rio de Janeiro

      Airplane pilot reports the strange incident that happened while flying over the city of Santa Cruz in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

      Former Flight Attendant reports encounter with UFOs

      Former Flight Attendant gives impressive account of UFO sighting during work.

      Aliens can not be heard because of Cryptography

      Encrypted alien communications may be inaccessible to humans.

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