Amicizia Case: Friendship with Aliens in Italy

Os alienígenas chamados de "W56" teriam estreitas relações amistosas com alguns seres humanos.

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Dozens of people in Italy have been contacted by human-looking extraterrestrials. It is important to recognize that these contactees were prominent members of Italian society as writers, politicians, businesspeople, artists and teachers.

The story of these mass contacts began in 1956, when Bruno Sammaciccia and two of his friends encountered two mysterious individuals who they said were extraterrestrials. One was more than 2.40 meters tall, while the other was only 90 cm.

Sammaciccia and his friends, initially suspicious, were eventually taken to a huge underground base, where they saw more of the alleged extraterrestrials.


They also saw children being instructed in some of the advanced technologies they used, as well as their spacecraft.

Finally convinced that they were really having contact with extraterrestrials, Sammaciccia and his friends began to help the extraterrestrials by sending products such as fruit, food and other materials that were transported in trucks to their bases.

Sammaciccia says that several people were involved in the case and some had meetings with the extraterrestrials.

The individuals involved increased in number over time and Sammaciccia assisted the extraterrestrials in preparing humanity for the reality of the existence of other extraterrestrial races on other planets.

Many of the extraterrestrials could easily blend into human society and even work regular jobs when necessary.

“Love and respect is the way humans should live” was the essence of the message conveyed by these extraterrestrials during their frequent long walks along Pescara beach.

These beings, who became known as “W56”, explained that they had a large number of bases on Earth and most of them were underground, like the one in Ascoli Piceno in Italy, or underwater, like the one in the Adriatic Sea.

According to reports, the W56 are not here to study us, but to help us. They would be our “older brothers”, as they are essentially human and are not the only extraterrestrials on Earth.

Beings from several other planets would be among us, because Earth is a peculiar planet in this part of the Universe.

Sammaciccia reported on a conflict between extraterrestrials trying to influence the development and future of humanity.

While the W56 promote cosmic unity and the development of ethics, others promote technological development at all costs.

The W56 would have a deep connection with what they call the ‘Soul of the Universe’, something beyond the physical level, and they are not happy with the high level of violence on Earth nor our tendency to weaponize science and technology.

According to Sammaciccia, the W56 have a certain kind of general control over everything that occurs, but their function is to serve as a moral guide and they are not allowed to intervene in the events of humanity, except under specific extreme conditions.