Aeromar Incident: Persecution and Abduction in Brazil

O Caso Aeromar é um dos mais intrigantes relacionado a seres reptilianos, humanoides com aparência de lagarto, agindo furtivamente para não serem detectados.

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The incident occurred in the early 1980s, in Vitória, Espírito Santo, where Aeromar had a small drinks stand on the beach and reportedly witnessed an encounter with UFOs, being able to see a series of lenticular objects from a very close position.

A few days later, three men dressed in suits and ties appeared, it was too hot a day for them to be dressed that way and it surprised him. He thought they were police officers, but the men questioned him about the lights and asked all kinds of questions. Aeromar was so impressed that he disappeared from the city for a few days and didn’t show up at his place of work.

After a few days, he went back to work and continued his normal life, but the men in black returned. They spoke in a strange way and began to follow him. Aeromar, not knowing what to do, left for Rio de Janeiro, escaping the nightmare that had haunted him since the incident with the lights. But there they were, the men in black suits continued to chase him.


Aeromar, in desperation, went to the police and filed a complaint of harassment, but the police did not take his claim seriously, and the harassment continued, so he decided to move to another city.

In São Paulo, men were also waiting for him and, in one of his episodes of harassment, Aeromar was put in a car and taken to a place where he reported being in front of a ship with an outer ring full of lights and floating.

Aeromar was forced to place himself under the light of that disc and after the appearance of a bluish ray, he suddenly found himself inside the ship.

Inside the ship, Aeromar experienced a kind of paralysis. They sat him in a chair, similar to that of a dentist, and from there he saw those three men transform into something else, radically changing their appearance, their skin and even their physiognomy. Their faces were now like those of lizards. Reptilian humanoids, as they are popularly called.

These men transformed in a few seconds, according to his account. During the experience, these beings would have transmitted to you some images and information related to planet Earth. Shortly afterwards, Aeromar reappeared, during the early hours of the morning, on one of the streets of São Paulo, without knowing what had happened or how he had gotten there. To him, it seemed like 5 minutes had passed, but it was several hours.

In a panic, he returned to his house, where he told his roommate what had happened.

A professional hypnotherapist, Dr. Berezowsky, who heard about the case from the newspapers, tried to contact Aeromar to perform a hypnotic regression when his case became public, but was unable to reach him. Aeromar disappeared without a trace.