It’s not just the natural beauties of Chapada Diamantina that attract travelers from all over the world. Many are going in search of direct contact with UFOs or ETs, others simply go to analyze the traces and talk to witnesses.
The brazilian ufologist Paulo Gusmão, resident of Vale do Capão, municipality of Palmeiras, in Chapada Diamantina, where there are many reports of UFO sightings and cases of abduction by extraterrestrials, denounces mineral extraction in the region by extraterrestrials.
With more than 18,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, Gusmão shows testimonials from residents of the region, explains the hypnotic state of the prospectors called ‘plague of mining’, similar to the ‘Gold Rush’, and concludes the video with a wise message that is worth checking out.
Since the time of mining, in the 17th century, several legends have arisen among prospectors, with different names: Enchanted Diamond, Bambúrrio, The Calling, Legends of Light, they said that in the place where lights went up or down from the sky to the earth where were the diamonds.
The prospectors differed as to the interpretation, some believed that the lights that climbed the mountains were the spirits of diamonds being freed, for others these lights are, in fact, extraterrestrial beings extracting ores in the region.

Prospectors believed that the lights that climbed the mountains were the spirits of diamonds breaking free, others that the lights were extraterrestrial beings extracting ores in Chapada Diamantina.
Prospectors, residents and ufologists are still intrigued by the lights that roam the region and the mystery takes care of those who visit Chapada Diamantina.
The ufologist Emanuel Paranhos, historian and president of the Civil Group of Ufologists of Bahia (UFOBahia), says that he endorses the possibility of extraterrestrial exploration not only in Chapada Diamantina, but also in several other parts of the Earth and affirms that Bahia is a pole of sightings and ufological cases.