The British newspaper The Sun gained access to a document with more than 1500 pages from the Pentagon on UFOs.
The released material had been requested by the newspaper four years ago, through the United States Freedom of Information Act, which allows researchers or citizens to request confidential records from the government and federal agencies.
The reports address sightings of unidentified flying objects, biological effects suffered by people who have had contact with UFOs, and other occurrences related to the phenomenon.
The documents cite 42 cases from medical records and 300 cases in which human beings were injured following “anomalous” encounters.
These include cases of burns, heart problems and sleep disorders due to “anomalous vehicle exposures”, often linked to electromagnetic radiation that could have been caused by “energy-related propulsion systems”.
The material also includes cases of abductions and even “unknown pregnancy”.
The files are part of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a secret Pentagon initiative supported by US senators and was in operation between 2007 and 2012, with a budget of 22 million dollars over its 5 years. of existence.
The existence of the project was revealed in December 2017 by whistleblower and former project director Luis Elizondo, who resigned from his position at the Pentagon in protest against government secrecy, saying in his resignation letter that the program did not receive the dues it deserved. attention and affirming, “We are not alone.”