Ana Prudente is a former flight attendant for the former Brazilian aviation company VASP and throughout her career she has seen several UFOs while flying for work.
Below, the flight attendant’s account of her first sighting in her own words:
“I was the youngest flight attendant on the crew. I was 18 years old and had started flying a few months before. I traveled from São Paulo to Belém with a stop in Brasília, on a VASP Boeing 737, and worked in the golden age of flight services: the drinks cart passed before and after dinner, the seats were wide and there was a lot of food.
On the night in question, we were making the last stretch, flying over the Amazon, when the commander’s bell rang. I was at the back of the plane resting and as I was the newbie I got up to help him.
It must have been around 3 am and the passengers were asleep. We had left the lights low and closed the curtain that separates the seats from the service area.
I walked past her and reached the cockpit door. I expected someone to ask me for a coffee, which the pilot and co-pilot used to drink to stay alert, but as soon as I opened it, a very strong light blinded me. My first impulse was to enter quickly and close the door behind me so as not to wake the travelers.
“What is this?!”, I asked in astonishment, while shielding my eyes with one arm and, with the other, feeling around to find the seat behind them. According to the commander, the light had approached at such a fast speed that they both thought we would collide. But it stopped a few meters from the aircraft and stayed there, the way I was seeing it, to the left of the cockpit, 45 degrees above us.
We were in a straight line over the Amazon Rainforest and the plane was on autopilot. I could hear the radio chirping, and the copilot, wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night, was trying to make contact with the base. “Dead, dead,” he repeated.
The light followed us for about 10 minutes, always at the same distance. At the end of that time, the pilot, who was wearing a cap, said he could now look, as it was weakening. I saw it head to the right and then quickly move away. It was very white and intense, with no defined shape, it was definitely not round, and it had rays inside it of a beautiful blue, like neon, and pink. The signal was restored as soon as it disappeared.
I returned to the service area and shared the experience with my colleagues. The rest of the plane had remained in the dark the entire time.
The next day, when I woke up in Belém and went to brush my teeth in the hotel bathroom, I found my face burned. There was only a white stripe that I had protected. His lap and arms were like sunburn. I went down to the lobby and found the commander in the same situation, calling São Paulo.
The company ordered us to return on the next commercial flight and sent replacements. The three of us underwent a series of tests at the Air Force Hospital and were warned that any comment on the episode was prohibited. If we spoke, they would deny it and we would look stupid.
The tests did not find any radioactivity and I resumed my activities days later. Every now and then, looking out the plane window, I saw other lights following us too, but never as closely as that one.”