Alien Civilizations May Be Attempting Contact

Estranhos pulsos cósmicos de luz podem ser sinais de centenas de civilizações diferentes.

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The strange signals were detected through the 2.5-meter telescope at the Sloan Digital Sky Survey observatory, located in New Mexico, USA.

Astrophysicists Ermanno Borra and Eric Trottier, from Laval University of Qebec, announced that strange signals from 234 different stars, all within the Milky Way, have been detected.

In 2012, a study published by Ermanno Borra had predicted forms of signals that could be used by extraterrestrial civilizations, and what caught everyone’s attention is that these detected pulses correspond exactly with what we could expect from extraterrestrial contact.


“We realized that the detected signals have the profile of what we would expect from an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization. The fact that they are detected in a small fraction of stars, similar to our Sun, also corresponds with the hypothesis of extraterrestrial intelligence”, said the duo of researchers in a statement.

According to Borra and Trottier, additional observations are necessary to confirm this hypothesis.

As senior astronomer at the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Seth Shostak said, we must have a certain skepticism and wait for the results before believing in something simply because we want to, but skepticism cannot be confused with rejection.

2.5-meter Sloan Digital Survey telescope, with the Sacramento Mountains in the background.

Another important factor: it appears that the 234 signals, coming from 234 different stars, are very similar and were sent almost simultaneously.

According to Seth: “It would be as if we sent a signal at the same time as other aliens. It doesn’t make sense. If I had to bet, I would bet that it would be an artifact or the way they process data.”

Seth believes that the stars highlighted by Borra and Trottier deserve further investigation, as the Breakthrough Listen project stated it will do.

Breakthrough Listen intends to use the 2.4-meter Automated Planet Finder telescope at the Lick Observatory in California to better understand what is behind the 234 strange signals, after all, a possible omission of investigation could cost humanity dearly.