1980: The year Brazil stopped to wait for the Jupiterians

Em 1980, Edílcio Barbosa, o “Mensageiro de Júpiter”, anunciou que um disco voador pousaria nos arredores da cidade de Casimiro de Abreu, no Rio de Janeiro.

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The meeting with the Jupiterians had a set place and time and would take place at exactly 5:40 AM on March 8, 1980, on a farm called Nossa Senhora da Conceição.

In addition to visiting Earth, the aliens would bring back four human beings who had been abducted years before.

Many people believed that the visit would actually happen and, in addition to attracting an audience of thousands of people, the event gained international repercussion and, according to Jupiter’s emissary, the landing was of global and cosmic importance!

Edílcio Barbosa, the “Messenger of Jupiter”

International Repercussion

In addition to the presence of members of the press from several countries, ufologists, scientists, street vendors, curious people in general and even NASA researchers, all public bodies in Casimiro de Abreu were mobilized to welcome the aliens.

A State Civil Defense team was even sent to ensure order, the local hospital was on standby in case of possible emergencies and a pay phone was even installed close to the landing strip.

In this delimited location, the presence of humans was prohibited, otherwise the flying saucer would not descend. A type of “10 commandments” of the extraterrestrials was also circulated among the spectators, which contained a series of instructions that should be followed during the event.

Welcome Party

As if all the confusion created around the arrival of the flying saucer wasn’t enough, the city hall of Casimiro de Abreu organized a welcome party and the reception for the Jupiterians included a tour in an open car through the city, breakfast and even a prom. The aliens would also receive the key to the city, and the mayor even bought an encyclopedia to give to visitors.

But, despite the long wait and the public’s growing expectations, at the scheduled place and day, when the hands passed 5:40 AM, the spacecraft did not appear, and frustration spread among everyone present.

The commotion was so great that the “Messenger of Jupiter” had to be escorted far away from the crowd to avoid being lynched.

After all, the alien emissary had an explanation for the absence, claiming that the flying saucer did not descend because there were too many people in the landing area.

Edílcio Barbosa died a few months later, after announcing that the Jupiterians would present proof of their approach, this time by paying a visit to the neighboring city, called Rio Bonito. And according to reports, several strange lights have indeed been spotted in the region!

Watch the report presented by Fantástico on March 9, 1980, one day after the frustrated cosmic vigil at Nossa Senhora da Conceição Farm:

Short Film

This incredible story, although it became a joke in the past, was turned into a short film produced by Clarice Saliby, daughter of one of the witnesses of this national and cosmic event. Named “Efeito Casimiro” (Casemiro Effect), the film was released at the Rio Film Festival and has already been shown at the main film festivals in the world.

Check out a report presented in 2017 by Jornal Hoje: