General Zvonimir Jurjevic was serving as commander of the 172nd Aviation Regiment in 1975 in the city of Titograd, present-day Podgorica, Yugoslavia, when a bright and colorful UFO entered Yugoslavia’s airspace.
Jurjevic said he first observed the UFO in early January of that year, during a routine flight, and described the object as having the ability to constantly change colors and was deliberately trying to be seen.
“The object looked like a glowing sphere, very visible, perhaps 10 times brighter than the brightest star at that time. The color changed constantly: white, yellow, light red, orange, white again, and so on. He appeared out of nowhere, unexpectedly. It was attracting our attention on purpose,” Jurjevic said.
For several days in a row, strangely, the UFO would appear exactly 50 minutes into the flight, each time without fail, according to General Jurjevic.

On January 25, 1975, General Jurjevic attempted to intercept the UFO which, as he had expected, appeared 50 minutes into his flight through the city of Cetinje.
The commander started chasing the UFO, but as soon as he approached, the object disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared.
Several of the pilots in his regiment also spotted the UFO, and so General Jurjevic devised a plan.
Two planes would take off, then two others would follow a little later from a different airfield to circle the craft, and all pilots would have to maintain radio silence in case the craft tried to intercept the messages.
“I had just set up the flight somewhere in Cetinje, when suddenly the object passed over Budva, and Lieutenant Machec saw it above Niksic. I asked Machec to remain in place, and took a course parallel to the Adriatic coast, where I tried to establish how far the object was and found it to be approximately 10 kilometers (6.2 miles). However, he didn’t allow me to get any closer to that. I reduced speed, but the distance was the same. I increased the speed and it was still the same ten kilometers”, explained General Jurjevic.
What happened in the skies over Yugoslavia remains a mystery to this day, and General Jurjevic believes the case will never be solved.