Former British Defense Ministry declares that the Pentagon has Metals of Extraterrestrial Origin

Nick Pope alega que ligas metálicas extraterrestres foram recuperadas e estão sendo estudadas pelos Estados Unidos.

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According to the AATIP (Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program) report, which analyzed the samples, the material was defined as unknown to science after testing and stored by Robert Bigelow’s private aerospace company, which works with NASA, to carry out other research into unusual “metallic alloys”.

AATIP was run by Military Intelligence officer Luis Elizondo at the Pentagon, who later resigned to form the To The Stars Academy (TTSA) research group.

Ralph Blumenthal, one of the journalists who followed the story, said: “As reported, there is material from these objects being used by scientists in order to find an explanation for the surprising properties contained in it and understand the technology. It is a type of compound that they have not recognize, we printed everything we could verify, but we can’t go any further.”


After numerous statements about the accuracy of the report, Nick Pope, who had previously investigated the potential threat posed by UFOs for the British Ministry of Defense, has come out to support the evidence and is convinced that materials of extraterrestrial origin are stored in the United States.

“The statements are true, the project exists and has been funded to the tune of $22 million. Some of the employees involved in this project claim that some of the objects were extraterrestrial. There are materials recovered from UFO crashes, the full details of which have not yet been released”, Pope said.

Extraterrestrial metallic alloy.

“The results of the tests performed on the metals will be known, it is just a matter of determining whether these tests were performed for AATIP, but done by Bigelow Aerospace. This would be enough to keep the results out of the United States Freedom of Information Act. We don’t know how these metals were obtained, they only told us that they relate to UFOs. If they came from the military, it would be potentially very significant,” says Pope.